Service club signs in Latrobe City

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Consultation has concluded

Latrobe City Council is undertaking community consultation to consider innovative, alternative ways to recognise service clubs and their contribution to the community.

Council erected service club signs throughout the municipality over 20 years ago, the signage that remains has aged and isn’t aligned with Council’s current branding. Since the time that these signs were erected alongside the previous town signage, Regional Roads Victoria's signage requirements have changed, with requirements for municipal and town signs erected on the highway now required to be smaller in size.

What Council is looking for

To better understand service club needs and ensure broader community recognition, Council wants to hear directly from service clubs and the community.

What a service club is defined as

Service clubs are defined as registered not-for-profit organisations.

Why Council is undertaking this community engagement

Changes to Regional Road Victoria’s sign guidelines has resulted in Council undertaking this community engagement, to seek an alternate means to recognise the contribution of service clubs to the Latrobe City community. These new guidelines preclude Council from replacing signs in the current format in Latrobe City towns.

Some of the signage in Latrobe City has been removed because it's been damaged by motor vehicles or weather in the past.

Service club signage will not be replaced in the current format at the entry points to the main towns of Churchill, Moe, Morwell and Traralgon. Current outdated signage will be removed and updated after this consultation has concluded.

Have your say on service club signs in Latrobe City. Submissions close 2 September 2024.

Latrobe City Council is undertaking community consultation to consider innovative, alternative ways to recognise service clubs and their contribution to the community.

Council erected service club signs throughout the municipality over 20 years ago, the signage that remains has aged and isn’t aligned with Council’s current branding. Since the time that these signs were erected alongside the previous town signage, Regional Roads Victoria's signage requirements have changed, with requirements for municipal and town signs erected on the highway now required to be smaller in size.

What Council is looking for

To better understand service club needs and ensure broader community recognition, Council wants to hear directly from service clubs and the community.

What a service club is defined as

Service clubs are defined as registered not-for-profit organisations.

Why Council is undertaking this community engagement

Changes to Regional Road Victoria’s sign guidelines has resulted in Council undertaking this community engagement, to seek an alternate means to recognise the contribution of service clubs to the Latrobe City community. These new guidelines preclude Council from replacing signs in the current format in Latrobe City towns.

Some of the signage in Latrobe City has been removed because it's been damaged by motor vehicles or weather in the past.

Service club signage will not be replaced in the current format at the entry points to the main towns of Churchill, Moe, Morwell and Traralgon. Current outdated signage will be removed and updated after this consultation has concluded.

Have your say on service club signs in Latrobe City. Submissions close 2 September 2024.

  • CLOSED: This survey has concluded.
    Consultation has concluded
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