Proposed Land Sale, Mountain Glen Drive

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Consultation has concluded

Latrobe City Council has given notice of its intention to consider a proposal to sell three parcels of vacant land that is equally owned with the Department of Treasury and Finance (The Treasury) and is seeking community feedback on the proposal.

The Treasury wishes to dispose of the land by public auction or a tender process.

The land is made up of three vacant parcels, one parcel zoned General Residential Zone and the other two neighbouring parcels zoned Industrial 3.

Following an internal referral and review, Council has determined the land is not required for current or reasonably anticipated Council purposes.

One parcel of land is densely covered by native vegetation, and it’s highly likely it will not be able to be sold and rezoned for residential purposes. Considering the limitations this poses for development, it may realistically need to be retained by Council and rezoned for public use.

This is consistent with the Government Land Planning Service process to ensure appropriate planning provisions are in place on government land.

There are three parcels of land proposed to be sold; Lot 2, Lot 3 and Lot 4. If Lot 4 can’t be sold, it’s proposed that Council would enter negotiations to purchase Lot 4 for up to $10,000.

The Treasury leads and administers the disposal of land for many state government departments such as the Department of Transport. With this experience, the Treasury is well positioned to lead the sale process.

The community is invited to comment on this proposal and submissions received will be considered at a future Council Meeting.

Submissions close Monday 5 August 2024.

Latrobe City Council has given notice of its intention to consider a proposal to sell three parcels of vacant land that is equally owned with the Department of Treasury and Finance (The Treasury) and is seeking community feedback on the proposal.

The Treasury wishes to dispose of the land by public auction or a tender process.

The land is made up of three vacant parcels, one parcel zoned General Residential Zone and the other two neighbouring parcels zoned Industrial 3.

Following an internal referral and review, Council has determined the land is not required for current or reasonably anticipated Council purposes.

One parcel of land is densely covered by native vegetation, and it’s highly likely it will not be able to be sold and rezoned for residential purposes. Considering the limitations this poses for development, it may realistically need to be retained by Council and rezoned for public use.

This is consistent with the Government Land Planning Service process to ensure appropriate planning provisions are in place on government land.

There are three parcels of land proposed to be sold; Lot 2, Lot 3 and Lot 4. If Lot 4 can’t be sold, it’s proposed that Council would enter negotiations to purchase Lot 4 for up to $10,000.

The Treasury leads and administers the disposal of land for many state government departments such as the Department of Transport. With this experience, the Treasury is well positioned to lead the sale process.

The community is invited to comment on this proposal and submissions received will be considered at a future Council Meeting.

Submissions close Monday 5 August 2024.

  • CLOSED: This survey has concluded.
    Consultation has concluded
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