When will the project be complete?

    Site clearing, demolition and construction is underway. It is anticipated that the project will be completed by the end of August 2023.

    Why are the trees being removed and will they be replaced

    All trees removed from site were non-native. Some were removed after an arborist evaluation report  advised the tree was in poor health. Three cherry trees have been removed, making way for the skate ramp and 12 Cherry trees have been retained. Landscaping, gardening and the planting of 57 new trees is a key component in the project. One large Poplar tree is in the middle of the accessible entry ramp and is required to be removed.

    Why was this location selected?

    The project is the second stage of the Moe Rail Precinct Revitalisation plan. The first stage saw the construction of the Moe Library and Service Centre. This second stage is the construction of the skate park, public open space and some car parking. This location has been selected as a central township area to allow for maximum use of the facility by all community members. With its proximity to many local cafes, transport, and shopping facilities, council anticipates it will provide local businesses with additional customers. Prime position within the town allows for passive surveillance, increasing safety in the precinct.

    Will the area experience an increase in noise level?

    Council will monitor any concerns raised regarding noise levels in the precinct. No sound amplifying equipment will be installed at the Precinct.

    Will the new facility be accessible?

    There are Disability Discrimination Act compliant ramps and paths included in the design to ensure this precinct can be used and enjoyed by all members of the community.

    How often will the facility be cleaned?

    The facility will be regularly monitored and maintained to ensure the equipment, seating, barbecue area and play spaces remain in safe and usable condition.

    Will there be toilet facilities provided?

    An existing amenity block next to the taxi rank will be accessible to all users of the Precinct. This amenities facility is open and available to the public for use now.

    Will additional parking be provided?

    An additional car parking facility has recently been completed to the west of the Moe Library and Service Centre that has a capacity of 100 Spaces. This facility is open and available to the community.

    Will there be picnic tables, shade and rubbish bins provided?

    Yes, there will be seating, both natural and structural shade, drinking fountains, and rubbish bins. These facilities will be regularly serviced to ensure they are neat and tidy.