Public Notice for Sale of Land - 60 Lafayette Street, Traralgon

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Consultation has concluded

In accordance with Schedule 10, Clause 3 of the Local Government Act 1989 (the Act), Council proposes to discontinue part of the road reserve with an estimated land area of 56 square metres, adjoining 60 Lafayette Street, Traralgon, being part of the land contained in Certificate of Title Volume 2970 Folio 949, and part of Lot 61 on LP4399 as shown marked hatched on the plan below, and to sell the discontinued part of the road reserve by private treaty to the owner of the adjoining property at 60 Lafayette Street, Traralgon.

All submissions must:

  • be in writing to the Latrobe City Council, PO Box 264, Morwell, 3840 or via email or through the submissions section below.
  • be received by Tuesday 8 August 2023.
  • state clearly whether you (or a representative on your behalf) wish to be heard in support of your written submission.

In accordance with Schedule 10, Clause 3 of the Local Government Act 1989 (the Act), Council proposes to discontinue part of the road reserve with an estimated land area of 56 square metres, adjoining 60 Lafayette Street, Traralgon, being part of the land contained in Certificate of Title Volume 2970 Folio 949, and part of Lot 61 on LP4399 as shown marked hatched on the plan below, and to sell the discontinued part of the road reserve by private treaty to the owner of the adjoining property at 60 Lafayette Street, Traralgon.

All submissions must:

  • be in writing to the Latrobe City Council, PO Box 264, Morwell, 3840 or via email or through the submissions section below.
  • be received by Tuesday 8 August 2023.
  • state clearly whether you (or a representative on your behalf) wish to be heard in support of your written submission.

  • CLOSED: This survey has concluded.
    Consultation has concluded
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