Events and Visitor Economy Strategy

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Consultation has concluded

At its May Council meeting, Council resolved to release its draft Events and Visitor Economy Strategy 2024-2028 for public submission.

A copy of the draft Events and Visitor Economy Strategy 2024-2028 can be found on the right hand side of this page. Copies of the draft Strategy are also available for inspection at all Council service centres.

The purpose of the Events and Visitor Economy Strategy 2024-2028 is to deliver a collective Vision for Latrobe City’s events and the visitor economy. The draft Strategy provides clarity and direction on the objectives and priorities for attracting and maximising events and the visitor economy in the municipality.

The draft Strategy provides a proposed Vision, Values, and four strategic priorities, as well as a strategic framework for developing and sustaining a portfolio of exciting and engaging major tourism events. The draft Strategy will be instrumental in stimulating economic growth and drawing and captivating visitors, enhancing the liveability of Latrobe City for residents, and generating community pride.

Council appointed expert tourism and events consultants, Tilma Group Pty Ltd, to develop a draft Strategy following expiration of the previous Events and Tourism Strategy in 2022.

In developing the draft Strategy, Tilma Group undertook several stakeholder engagement sessions in the region with a diverse cross section of the community, including event organisers, community groups, and accommodation operators.

The draft Strategy draws together findings from the initial engagement sessions and reflects the views of stakeholders on the challenges and opportunities for events and tourism development in Latrobe City.

We want to hear from you!

We need your feedback to ensure the draft Strategy aligns with your vision for the future of tourism and events in Latrobe City. We welcome feedback until 5pm, 7 June, 2024. The feedback will be considered as part of reviewing and finalising the draft Events and Visitor Economy Strategy.

Have your say via the survey below.

At its May Council meeting, Council resolved to release its draft Events and Visitor Economy Strategy 2024-2028 for public submission.

A copy of the draft Events and Visitor Economy Strategy 2024-2028 can be found on the right hand side of this page. Copies of the draft Strategy are also available for inspection at all Council service centres.

The purpose of the Events and Visitor Economy Strategy 2024-2028 is to deliver a collective Vision for Latrobe City’s events and the visitor economy. The draft Strategy provides clarity and direction on the objectives and priorities for attracting and maximising events and the visitor economy in the municipality.

The draft Strategy provides a proposed Vision, Values, and four strategic priorities, as well as a strategic framework for developing and sustaining a portfolio of exciting and engaging major tourism events. The draft Strategy will be instrumental in stimulating economic growth and drawing and captivating visitors, enhancing the liveability of Latrobe City for residents, and generating community pride.

Council appointed expert tourism and events consultants, Tilma Group Pty Ltd, to develop a draft Strategy following expiration of the previous Events and Tourism Strategy in 2022.

In developing the draft Strategy, Tilma Group undertook several stakeholder engagement sessions in the region with a diverse cross section of the community, including event organisers, community groups, and accommodation operators.

The draft Strategy draws together findings from the initial engagement sessions and reflects the views of stakeholders on the challenges and opportunities for events and tourism development in Latrobe City.

We want to hear from you!

We need your feedback to ensure the draft Strategy aligns with your vision for the future of tourism and events in Latrobe City. We welcome feedback until 5pm, 7 June, 2024. The feedback will be considered as part of reviewing and finalising the draft Events and Visitor Economy Strategy.

Have your say via the survey below.

  • CLOSED: This survey has concluded.
    Consultation has concluded
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