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Latrobe Regional Gallery Survey

Thank you for taking the time to complete our survey. Latrobe Regional Gallery is beginning work on its new strategic plan, which will guide our activities and priorities over the coming years. We want to hear from you!

Your input will help shape the strategy and ensure the Gallery continues to serve the community and artists in the best possible way.

All responses are anonymous and all data gathered through this process will be de-dentified. 

0% answered

Latrobe Regional Gallery & You 

In this section, we’ll ask a few questions about you and your connection to Latrobe Regional Gallery.


What brings you to the Latrobe Regional Gallery? 

* required

How often have you visited Latrobe Regional Gallery in the past 12 months?

* required

How have you been involved with the gallery? 

* required
Select any or all that apply
Give us as much information as you would like to share
Give us as much information as you would like to share