Proposed Land Sale, Gippsland Logistics and Manufacturing Precinct

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Consultation has concluded

Latrobe City Council intends to sell or lease land within the Gippsland Logistics and Manufacturing Precinct, Morwell. This is in line with Section 114 of the Local Government Act 2020 (“Act”).

The vacant land is identified as being lots 1-11 of the subdivision of Crown Allotment 8E Parish of Maryvale (Parent Title Volume 10248, Folio 680) (with Plan of Subdivision PS827376R) as endorsed in Latrobe City Planning Permit No. 2021/283. The land is located along Tramway Road, cornering Enterprise Drive, Morwell. The vacant land is identified in the map on the right hand side of this page.

Submissions received will be considered at a future Council Meeting. All submissions will be considered public documents unless specified otherwise by the submitter.

Submissions close 5pm Monday 19 August 2024.

Latrobe City Council intends to sell or lease land within the Gippsland Logistics and Manufacturing Precinct, Morwell. This is in line with Section 114 of the Local Government Act 2020 (“Act”).

The vacant land is identified as being lots 1-11 of the subdivision of Crown Allotment 8E Parish of Maryvale (Parent Title Volume 10248, Folio 680) (with Plan of Subdivision PS827376R) as endorsed in Latrobe City Planning Permit No. 2021/283. The land is located along Tramway Road, cornering Enterprise Drive, Morwell. The vacant land is identified in the map on the right hand side of this page.

Submissions received will be considered at a future Council Meeting. All submissions will be considered public documents unless specified otherwise by the submitter.

Submissions close 5pm Monday 19 August 2024.

  • CLOSED: This survey has concluded.
    Consultation has concluded
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