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Community survey

We all have different ideas about what makes Latrobe City a great place to live, work and visit.

We would like to hear from you about what makes Latrobe City a great place now and what could make it better.

Feedback received from this survey will help Latrobe City Council prepare an updated Community Vision for 2036 and a new Council Plan to guide Council’s decision-making.

Participation is confidential and voluntary.

Your Latrobe

We all have different ideas about what makes Latrobe City a great place to live, work and visit.

We would like to hear from you about what makes Latrobe City a great place now and what could make it better.

Feedback received from this survey will help Latrobe City Council prepare an updated Community Vision for 2036 and a new Council Plan to guide Council’s decision-making.

Participation is confidential and voluntary.


What is your gender?

* required

What is your age group?

* required

What town do you live in (or closest to)? 

* required

Which of the following describes you? (tick all that apply)

* required

Our Community Vision (“Latrobe 2031”)

Our Community Vision (“Latrobe 2031”) was produced using the feedback of 1500 community members four years ago.

The Latrobe 2031 (Community Vision): In 2031 Latrobe City will be known for being smart, creative, healthy, sustainable and connected. It will be the most liveable regional city and at the forefront of innovation.

Working together we are a diverse, connected and resilient community, supporting the equitable diversification of our economic base and transition towards a low emissions future.

We are known as a community that is equitable, liveable and sustainable, with a continued focus on healthy lifestyles supported by high quality recreational and cultural facilities and a natural environment that is nurtured and respected.


Does Latrobe 2031 describe what you would like to see for our community over the next 10 years?


What makes Latrobe City a good place to live? Tick up to five responses that describe the things about Latrobe that you value the most.

* required

What makes Latrobe City a good place to work? (select up to three)

* required

What makes Latrobe City a good place to study (TAFE or University)? (select up to three)

* required

What key priority areas Council should be working on to improve the health and wellbeing of the Latrobe community? (select up to three)

* required



Assets and infrastructure - including maintaining public buildings, facilities and infrastructure such as libraries, halls, sporting facilities, roads, paths, etc.
Community wellbeing - including supporting early childhood development, engaging young people, supporting older people, mental/physical health and wellbeing, cultural and social diversity, community engagement, building a sense of belonging, connection to Country, accessible and affordable housing, volunteering, community safety, etc.
Economy - including encouraging jobs, economic transition and growth, workforce housing, attracting investment, supporting business and industry, etc.
Place and environment - including making our towns great places to live, preparing for climate change, understanding risks and preparing for disasters, emergency management and recovery, urban greening, biodiversity, waste management, outdoor spaces including parks and reserves, etc.
Experiences and attractions - including supporting performing arts, events, visual arts and crafts, library services, tourism etc.
Sport and recreation - including the use of sporting and recreation facilities, encouraging participation, etc

In thanks for your contribution, would you like to enter a draw to win one of five $200 Visit Latrobe Gift Vouchers? 


Would you be interested in attending two workshops (10 and 17 February from 9am to 12noon) to help us review the feedback and make recommendations about how it should be represented in the Council Plan? 

* required