Christmas decorations in Latrobe City

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Consultation has concluded.

Do you have an interest in the Christmas decorations you want to see in Latrobe City?

Council is considering the different options available to help celebrate the festive season in Latrobe City from 2025, and we want to hear from you!

Let us know what’s important to you by completing this short survey.

Submissions close Monday 5 August 2024.

Note: You'll need to refer to the document linked on this page under 'Documents' for question 5 if you select 'Yes' in question 3.

Do you have an interest in the Christmas decorations you want to see in Latrobe City?

Council is considering the different options available to help celebrate the festive season in Latrobe City from 2025, and we want to hear from you!

Let us know what’s important to you by completing this short survey.

Submissions close Monday 5 August 2024.

Note: You'll need to refer to the document linked on this page under 'Documents' for question 5 if you select 'Yes' in question 3.

  • CLOSED: This survey has concluded.

    Consultation has concluded.

    Share Christmas decorations in Latrobe City on Facebook Share Christmas decorations in Latrobe City on Twitter Share Christmas decorations in Latrobe City on Linkedin Email Christmas decorations in Latrobe City link