Council Budget 2024/25

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Consultation has concluded.

The Budget process provides the community the opportunity to lodge submissions in relation to the Draft Budget.

At its April Council meeting, Council resolved to release its 2024/25 Draft Budget (including proposed fees and charges) for public submission.

At its June Council meeting, Council endorsed to release the 2024/25 Budget.

About the 2024/25 Budget

The Budget outlines the broad range of services provided by council and builds upon our community's strategic vision for Latrobe 2031, and the Council Plan 2021-2025 which focus on the following six key strategic objectives.

It also details the funding that is required to deliver Council's services and maintain and improve community infrastructure. The Budget has been prepared on the basis of a 2.75% increase in municipal rates and charges (excluding waste services charges) which is in accordance with the maximum increase in rates permissible under the Victorian Government's Fair Go Rates System (FGRS) for the 2024/25 financial year.

Budget Highlights - Infrastructure

The Budget includes a total capital works program of $68.6 million comprising of $29.8 million in the 2024/25 program and $38.8 million of continuing multiyear projects and other works from prior year Budgets. The program includes investment in renewing existing infrastructure of $24.1 million with $13.3 million of this being committed to the road network. In addition $3.6 million will be spent on completing the upgrade of the Marshalls Road / Traralgon- Maffra Road intersection to a signalised intersection and $4.9 million to complete the next stage of the Gippsland Logistics Precinct.

Other significant projects include the continuation of the Regional Car Parks Fund - Main Works package $23.0 million, flood recovery projects $5.3 million and the refurbishment of Park Lane preschool $1.4 million. This represents an additional investment by Council of $2.0 million into capital works from rates revenue when compared to the adopted 2023/24 Budget.

Operating expenses overview

The 2024/25 Budget has been developed to consider the current external and internal factors impacting Council’s overall financial position.

Waste charges are set to decrease by $32.00 or 7.5% per standard set of three bins. The decrease incorporates a realignment of waste services cost recovery following the release in December 2023 of the state government's Ministerial Good Practice Guidelines for Services Rates and Charges.

The Budget process provides the community the opportunity to lodge submissions in relation to the Draft Budget.

At its April Council meeting, Council resolved to release its 2024/25 Draft Budget (including proposed fees and charges) for public submission.

At its June Council meeting, Council endorsed to release the 2024/25 Budget.

About the 2024/25 Budget

The Budget outlines the broad range of services provided by council and builds upon our community's strategic vision for Latrobe 2031, and the Council Plan 2021-2025 which focus on the following six key strategic objectives.

It also details the funding that is required to deliver Council's services and maintain and improve community infrastructure. The Budget has been prepared on the basis of a 2.75% increase in municipal rates and charges (excluding waste services charges) which is in accordance with the maximum increase in rates permissible under the Victorian Government's Fair Go Rates System (FGRS) for the 2024/25 financial year.

Budget Highlights - Infrastructure

The Budget includes a total capital works program of $68.6 million comprising of $29.8 million in the 2024/25 program and $38.8 million of continuing multiyear projects and other works from prior year Budgets. The program includes investment in renewing existing infrastructure of $24.1 million with $13.3 million of this being committed to the road network. In addition $3.6 million will be spent on completing the upgrade of the Marshalls Road / Traralgon- Maffra Road intersection to a signalised intersection and $4.9 million to complete the next stage of the Gippsland Logistics Precinct.

Other significant projects include the continuation of the Regional Car Parks Fund - Main Works package $23.0 million, flood recovery projects $5.3 million and the refurbishment of Park Lane preschool $1.4 million. This represents an additional investment by Council of $2.0 million into capital works from rates revenue when compared to the adopted 2023/24 Budget.

Operating expenses overview

The 2024/25 Budget has been developed to consider the current external and internal factors impacting Council’s overall financial position.

Waste charges are set to decrease by $32.00 or 7.5% per standard set of three bins. The decrease incorporates a realignment of waste services cost recovery following the release in December 2023 of the state government's Ministerial Good Practice Guidelines for Services Rates and Charges.

  • CLOSED: This survey has concluded.

    Consultation has concluded.

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