Bowmans Road Drainage Reserve

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Consultation has concluded

The Proposal

Latrobe City Council gives notice under section 112 of the Local Government Act 2020 of its intention to compulsorily acquire an easement over part of the property located at Bowmans Road, Newborough VIC 3825 for a drainage reserve.

The Proposal seeks to address the continued risk to the properties in Montane Estate from flooding. The Proposal would create a 10 metre wide, 543 metre long drain that runs adjacent to the existing residential properties of the Montane Park Estate, Newborough. This drain would provide additional drainage infrastructure to better protect the residents of the Montane Estate from stormwater runoff arriving from land south of the Estate.

Background information

The resolution was sought after negotiations with the landowner to construct the open drain were unsuccessful.

The farmland is zoned for residential development. However, until development occurs, the properties along the south boundary of the Montane Estate will remain subject to overland flow and flooding during significant rain events.

Flood damage to dwellings can lead to property and asset damage requiring land owners and/or their insurers to cover these costs.

Community consultation

The community is invited to comment on this proposal and any submissions received will be considered at a future Council meeting. All persons submitting a written submission will be advised of the Council meeting date and invited to attend.

All submissions will be considered public documents unless specified otherwise by the submitter.

Submissions close Monday 9 September 2024.

The Proposal

Latrobe City Council gives notice under section 112 of the Local Government Act 2020 of its intention to compulsorily acquire an easement over part of the property located at Bowmans Road, Newborough VIC 3825 for a drainage reserve.

The Proposal seeks to address the continued risk to the properties in Montane Estate from flooding. The Proposal would create a 10 metre wide, 543 metre long drain that runs adjacent to the existing residential properties of the Montane Park Estate, Newborough. This drain would provide additional drainage infrastructure to better protect the residents of the Montane Estate from stormwater runoff arriving from land south of the Estate.

Background information

The resolution was sought after negotiations with the landowner to construct the open drain were unsuccessful.

The farmland is zoned for residential development. However, until development occurs, the properties along the south boundary of the Montane Estate will remain subject to overland flow and flooding during significant rain events.

Flood damage to dwellings can lead to property and asset damage requiring land owners and/or their insurers to cover these costs.

Community consultation

The community is invited to comment on this proposal and any submissions received will be considered at a future Council meeting. All persons submitting a written submission will be advised of the Council meeting date and invited to attend.

All submissions will be considered public documents unless specified otherwise by the submitter.

Submissions close Monday 9 September 2024.

  • CLOSED: This survey has concluded.
    Consultation has concluded
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