Amendment C149 Latrobe Planning Scheme Review

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About Amendment C149

The amendment proposes to implement the recommendations of the Latrobe Planning Scheme Review 2024 (PSR) by introducing new and revised local content in the Municipal Planning Strategy and the Planning Policy Framework, and by amending the schedules to zones, overlays, general provisions and operational provisions.

The proposed changes are administrative in nature with the majority ensuring the Planning Scheme conforms with the Ministerial Direction on the Form and Content of Planning Schemes.

Amendment C149 proposes to:

Format changes of Low Density Residential Zone, Mixed Use Zone, Rural Conservation Zone and Township Zone and subsequent mapping expressed with singular schedules.

Update Schedule to Clause 74.02 Further Strategic Work to reflect updated priorities.

Implement Referral Authority recommendations to update the Buffer Area Overlay for Major Pipeline Infrastructure

Rezone land owned by Gippsland Water to Public Use Zone.

Updates to the Planning Scheme to reflect recent Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) data.

Updates to conform with Ministerial Direction Form and Content guidance.

Amended overlay areas to remove redundant and inaccurate areas covered including; Development Plan Overlay Schedule 2 Environmental Significance overlay Schedule 1 and 2 and Specific Controls Overlay .

Minor administrative changes for restructuring and rephrasing for better readability.

Reduce permit trigger distance to waterways as requested by referral authorities.

Land Use terms and department name edits are required due to changes in government or through VC Amendments.

Privacy collection notice

The planning scheme amendment process is a statutory process that is transparent and public, where all parties affected can provide input into the amendment. If you choose to make a submission, you consent to your submission and name being made public through the amendment process and being published in reports that will remain public indefinitely.

As required by the Planning & Environment Act 1987, your submission will be made available for public viewing including on Council’s website and be provided to other parties including Planning Panels Victoria and the Minister for Planning.

By making a submission, you warrant that (a) you are the owner of copyright in your submission and (b) the use of the submission by Council as described will not breach any third party’s copyright.

About Amendment C149

The amendment proposes to implement the recommendations of the Latrobe Planning Scheme Review 2024 (PSR) by introducing new and revised local content in the Municipal Planning Strategy and the Planning Policy Framework, and by amending the schedules to zones, overlays, general provisions and operational provisions.

The proposed changes are administrative in nature with the majority ensuring the Planning Scheme conforms with the Ministerial Direction on the Form and Content of Planning Schemes.

Amendment C149 proposes to:

Format changes of Low Density Residential Zone, Mixed Use Zone, Rural Conservation Zone and Township Zone and subsequent mapping expressed with singular schedules.

Update Schedule to Clause 74.02 Further Strategic Work to reflect updated priorities.

Implement Referral Authority recommendations to update the Buffer Area Overlay for Major Pipeline Infrastructure

Rezone land owned by Gippsland Water to Public Use Zone.

Updates to the Planning Scheme to reflect recent Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) data.

Updates to conform with Ministerial Direction Form and Content guidance.

Amended overlay areas to remove redundant and inaccurate areas covered including; Development Plan Overlay Schedule 2 Environmental Significance overlay Schedule 1 and 2 and Specific Controls Overlay .

Minor administrative changes for restructuring and rephrasing for better readability.

Reduce permit trigger distance to waterways as requested by referral authorities.

Land Use terms and department name edits are required due to changes in government or through VC Amendments.

Privacy collection notice

The planning scheme amendment process is a statutory process that is transparent and public, where all parties affected can provide input into the amendment. If you choose to make a submission, you consent to your submission and name being made public through the amendment process and being published in reports that will remain public indefinitely.

As required by the Planning & Environment Act 1987, your submission will be made available for public viewing including on Council’s website and be provided to other parties including Planning Panels Victoria and the Minister for Planning.

By making a submission, you warrant that (a) you are the owner of copyright in your submission and (b) the use of the submission by Council as described will not breach any third party’s copyright.

  • CLOSED: This survey has concluded.
    Consultation has concluded
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