Frequently Asked Questions
How can I participate?
If this is your first visit to Have Your Say Latrobe City, then simply click on the Register button and follow the prompts. You'll need to create a username and password, and provide a valid email address.
If you have previously participated, click on the Sign In button and enter your username and password.
Some engagement opportunities will not require you to register - so feel free to join in and participate.
Why should I register?
By registering you will have full access to all engagement projects.
What happens to my data?
By providing your details you help us to understand our community better and who is engaging with us. The information provided will remain confidential and is not disclosed to a third party.
Contact information is only used for the purposes of that consultation process or to notify residents of other similar consultations they may be interested in.
Read more details in the Privacy Policy.
What happens to my feedback?
All feedback is collated and used to inform Council decision-making processes for the development of Council projects and initiatives.
The feedback we receive online is used in conjunction with feedback we receive from other engagement opportunities such as workshops, drop-in information sessions and submissions.
How is the platform moderated?
All moderation is carried out by Granicus and is independent to Latrobe City Council. The moderators do not edit or alter any comments, and will only remove comments deemed to be significantly off-topic, offensive or malicious.